IC School of Music

Online Lessons  & Tonara

Including Tonara in my work was a game changer for many of my students.

They are being encouraged to reach new practice heights just by a friendly competition.


Online Lessons

The coronavirus pandemic has resulted in many people worldwide practicing social distancing to prevent further spread of the illness.

Meeting precautions and quarantine regulation was a challenging exercise that stimulated Irina to revolutionize her teaching method and equip her studio setup for online lessons.

These changes happened so rapidly that students’ learning process and practice routine didn’t stop for a single day.

Irina’s favorite and most successful platforms are Skype, WhatsApp and Facetime.

All students need is acoustic or full-size digital piano and a laptop/phone or
similar with a webcam and internet access.

Tonara Piano Practice platform proved to be extremely helpful for online lessons format.

Communication with students, audio and video demonstrations and recordings, giving stickers and awards, lessons scheduling and running studio leader board provided by Tonara setting became essential parts of online learning process.






What is the Tonara Studio?

With Tonara Studio, all-in-one: music practice platform, music teacher can engage, enrich, and manage the students.

Tonara fits with the times and is now the best music practice management app. Not only does it allow for organizing practice schedules and assignments their teacher gives, but the app also motivates students to practice their instrument in various ways.



How does it work?

Tonara is particularly helpful for online lessons format.

To compensate for not being able to see students in person, the teacher can find other ways to build a supportive environment.

Irina uses Tonara Studio to: 

  • schedule lessons, send assignments,
  • audio and video recordings,
  • give stickers awards,
  • track students' progress throughout the week,
  • as well as chat back and forth when they have questions and
  • even group online students into a separate chat group so they could share their music experiences.

The possibilities are endless!


Please read more about Tonara!


Download the App:

for iOS

for Android

for Desktop


 0414 770 095